It’s an A+ time to join
Give $100 (on us), get $100 (on us, too). From December 2 to December 11, 2024, we’ll donate $100 to our foundation partnership schools* (up to $10,000) AND contribute $100 to a new member account when you open a Smart Money Checking or Money Market Select account.
We’re banking on educators.
Founded by eight teachers in 1934, supporting schools isn’t just something we do during the holiday season. It’s an integral part of our mission, 365 days a year.
Donate on us.
When you open a new account, we’ll donate $100 to our foundation partner schools, up to a total of $10,000. Colorado schools will thank you for it.
Easiest. Payday. Ever.
New member? Open a Smart Money Checking or a Money Market Select account and we’ll contribute $100 to your account. Just because we like you. Learn more
Smart Money Checking
Best for
Making small balances earn big returns and heavy monthly use.
This is a reverse tier account, which means you’ll earn bigger returns on smaller balances, and smaller returns on bigger balances.
Earn up to 6.00% APY* on your first $2000 each month. That’s up to $120 a year. Then your next chunk of cash will make you 3.00% APY* and so on. See all APY rate tiers.
No minimum balance requirement
No monthly maintenance fee
Earn Debit card rewards: 1 point for every $3 spent when you sign for purchases
Early paycheck
Courtesy Pay up to $500***
Even if you don't meet all the monthly requirements (they're listed below) to get up to 6.00% APY, you're guaranteed to earn .01% interest.
What’s the catch?
Make at least 16 debit/credit transactions every month to get the best APY
Set up a minimum of one $500 recurring direct deposit or ACH payments per month to get the best APY
Enroll in e-statements
Money Market Select
Learn how money can make money: get higher rates on your savings, all while still keeping your funds easily accessible.
Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.05% - 4.00%. See Rate sheet to learn more
Access to funds anytime
Flexibility to transfer funds between multiple shares at the same institution
Unlike savings shares, money market shares offer check-writing privileges, much like a regular checking
No monthly maintenance fees
$0 minimum deposit monthly requirement
$0 minimum balance monthly requirement
What's the Catch?
The more you save, the higher APY* you’ll receive. See rate sheet for details.
Just 10 swipes per statement on your Westerra consumer debit or credit card
By Teachers. For Teachers.
90 years ago, 8 teachers came together with a goal: to create a credit union that would support their fellow educators. Today, that mission continues. We’re a not-for-profit, member-owned community committed to seeing our community of Coloradans succeed.
Invested in our Community
Contributed over
annually to our community
hours from our employees annually.
Awarded over
annual grants for Colorado Educators

Apply for a Westerra school grant.
Every school year, we fund $50,000 to Colorado educators through our School Grant Program. Any Westerra member who is an educator of grades K-12 can apply for a $50,000 grant to help their schools—and students—shine.

Financial Literacy in the classroom
We believe that kids deserve to learn about finances. If you want to build financial literacy in the classroom, we’d love to come in for a lesson. Drop us a note at engagement@westerracu.com to schedule a presentation for your students.

Explore our Checking and Savings Accounts for Students
Understanding money management is a big step in becoming independent. Our student
accounts and financial resources are here to help students start their financial journey.*Westerra will donate up to a total of $10,000, equally divided between the following educational foundations: Community Resources, Inc.; Public Education & Business Coalition; Aurora Public Schools Foundation; Cherry Creek Schools Foundation; Denver Public Schools Foundation; Foundation for Douglas County Schools; Jeffco Schools Foundation; Littleton Public Schools Foundation; and Mapleton Education Foundation.
$100 Bonus
$100 bonus for new members only. To receive the bonus: 1) Open a new Westerra Prime Share savings and either a Smart Money Checking or Money Market Select account online or in-branch between November 13, 2024, and December 31, 2024. 2) Enroll in Digital Banking at the time of account opening. After you have completed all the above requirements, we will deposit the bonus into your new Prime Share account by January 2, 2025. Business accounts do not qualify. To qualify for this bonus, the enrolled account must not be closed or restricted at the time of payout. Eligibility may be limited based on account ownership. Both bonuses are considered interest and will be reported on IRS Form 1099-INT (or Form 1042-S, if applicable). Friends referred under the Refer a Friend program are eligible for this $100 new member bonus as part of their referral but are not eligible to receive an additional $100 for being referred. Offer availability is subject to change. This offer is not available to those whose Westerra accounts have been closed within the last 90 days or closed with a negative balance within the past three years. Westerra reserves the right to end the promotion at any time. Visit WesterraCU.com to learn more and for applicable rates. Membership eligibility is required. Federally insured by NCUA.Money Market Select
Money Market Select 4.00% APY applies to average daily balances $100,000 and over, the APY may range from 0.05% to 3.00%. If the requirements are not met***, the dividend rate of .05% APY is applied for the statement month. The requirements*** needed to receive the dividend rate are (i) minimum average daily balance that corresponds to the desired rate, (ii) 10 combined debit/credit card purchase transactions that post and clear in the statement months (i), on the same membership account. ATM and cash advance transactions do not count toward the debit card transaction requirement. ATM and cash advance transactions do not count toward the debit card transaction requirement for either account.
Requirements are waived the first statement cycle the new share is opened and will earn the dividend rate that corresponds to each minimum balance tier. IRA, Roth IRA, and Business accounts are not eligible for the Smart Money Checking or Money Market Select. See Membership and Account Agreement for Nature of Dividends under our resource tab.
Smart Money Checking
Smart Money Checking 6.00% APY applies to average daily balances up to and including $2,000. For average daily balances greater than $2,000, the APY may range from 0.05% to 3.00%. If requirements** are not met, all balances will earn .01% APY. To get the higher rates, you must meet certain requirements each month.
If you don’t meet the requirements, an APY of 0.01% APY applies to all balances. Limit one Smart Money Checking Share per account. **The requirements needed to receive the dividend rate are (i) minimum average daily balance that corresponds to the desired rate, (ii) 16 combined debit/credit card purchase transactions that post and clear in the statement months as (i), on the same membership account, (iii) a minimum of one (1) direct-deposit or Automatic Clearing House (ACH) of at least $500 per month, (iv) enrollment in online statements.
See Membership and Account Agreement for Nature of Dividends under our resource tab.
*** Qualified members are automatically enrolled in Opt-IN for ACH and draft checks but are not automatically enrolled for onetime and recurring debit card transactions. Accounts must be brought positive within 30 days of going negative.” Courtesy Pay Opt-in