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Make your Dream Vacation Possible

Ready for a vacation? We have tips to help you save for your next dream vacation. Whether its cancelling subscriptions, having a garage sale or opening an extra savings account to store your vacation fund, we have tips and strategies for you!

Feeling like you’ve got global travel taste on a stay-cation budget? Trust us: we’ve been there. If your current salary isn’t yielding the type of extra income to swing an epic vacation, we’ve got a few strategies for you to consider.

Boost Your Savings

Find a side gig: Consider taking up a part-time freelance income stream, then squirrel away all those earnings in an account specific to your vacation savings. Think: pet sitting, ride-sharing, tutoring, food delivery, freelance writing, or teach a fitness class!

Trim the non-essentials: Yep, this is the ‘stop eating avocado toast’ part of the article. Dine out less, say no to those new sneakers, and re-evaluate those subscriptions–small expenses really do stack up fast. (Are you really using that language-learning app?)

Sell, sell, sell!: Clear out your basement AND add to the vacation fund? That’s a win-win. Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, Depop and Ebay are all great for reselling. If you’ve got old furniture collecting cobwebs, give it new life with some funky paint and hardware, then list it online.

Automate Your Savings

Set an automated transfer through our online banking app from your checking into a vacation-specific savings account every time a paycheck hits. You’re basically hiding that money from yourself, so you can’t spend it.

Budget Each Element

With so many choices in travel these days, it’s important to line-item budget out the cost of flights, hotels, excursions, transportation and dining. If flights are way more than you thought, stay at the bnb–not the 5-star resort. If sampling the world-class cuisine is a priority, perhaps you set the daily food budget high and allocate very little for excursions. And don’t forget to add a ‘miscellaneous expenses’ line item for things like tipping, impromptu-ice cream, or maybe a little trip to the spa. You’re on vacay, after all.

Ready to set up a vacation-specific savings account? Give us a call at 303-321-4209, stop by at your nearest branch location, or send us a secure message through Digital Banking.

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